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"Yaman Aries"

Yaman Koç tarafından 2016 yılında geliştirilen DIŞ TİCARET İSTİHBARAT MERKEZİ (DTİM) projesi bugüne kadar 14 farklı bölgede kurulmuştur.

Bugüne kadar 1000’den fazla dış ticaret istihbaratı danışmanlığı ve eğitimlerinin verildiği bazı firmaları referanslarımızdan inceleyebilirsiniz.

(Videolu Kurs)

İhracat İstihbaratı ile Müşteri Bilgilerine Erişim

Videolu kursun hedef müşterilerin bilgilerinin bulunması ve haritaya işlenmesi bölümünden bir kesiti izleyebilirsiniz.


He was born in 1956 in Ankara. Married, father of 2 children. He graduated from TED Ankara College and the Faculty of Language, History and Geography, Theater Department. He started to work as an employee in foreign trade companies in 1986. In 1993, Profil A.Ş., a subsidiary of the Turkish Medium-Sized Enterprises Foundation (TOSYÖV). He worked as a consultant for 5 years. In this process, he provided foreign trade consultancy and training to TOSYÖV member companies. He has been working as a freelance consultant and foreign trade intelligence consultant since 1998. He founded YK Consulting in 2002 and Yaman Koç Training, Consulting and Research companies in 2014. He still carries out his activities with this company.

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